
Kick-off meeting: Buddy systém

Student Peer Mental Support Project

Online cez Teams


10:00 – 11:00


Čo je to Buddy systém?

Predstavenie metodiky

Diskusia a prihlásenie sa do projektu

Ako viem, že kick-off meeting je pre mňa?

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Si zamestnanec vysokej školy?

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Kde pôsobíte v rámci inštitúcie?

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Zaujíma ťa oblasť duševného zdravia?


Ing. Lukáš Sekelský, PhD.

Ing. Lukáš Sekelský, PhD.

He works at the Ministry of Health and leads the Department of Innovative Approaches in Health, which consists of the Behavioral and Experimental Economics Team (BEET). In this capacity, he leads various projects in areas such as integrated care, mental health, drug policy, blood donation and others.

Behavioural and Experimental Economics Team (beet), officially operating on Ministry of Health of the Slovak Ministry of Health as the Department of Innovative Approaches in Health Care. Beet's mission is to bring proven principles and solutions based on behavioral science to the Slovak healthcare system. We believe that by using approaches that take into account all aspects of human behaviour, we can improve the quality of Slovak healthcare. Our main goal is to make the latest medical knowledge accessible to all.

Čo vám prinesie participácia na projekte?

Byť súčasťou inovácii v oblasti duševného zdravia
Vyškolenie zamestnancov
Benefit pre študenstvo

Prihláste sa na kick-off